island interiors is uniquely positioned to offer a variety of services, dependant on the level of input required. whilst some clients wish to hand the project over in it’s entirety, others simply require advice with certain aspects…we are happy to work in whichever way suits you best – just call us for a chat.
complete residential interior design
this is the full service, whereby we design, manage and carry out all the works required from start to finish.
the layout of a home is very unique to each family, what suits one family of four with a dog, will not suit a retired couple or a bachelor, it may not even suit a different family of four with a dog!!! every home is used differently by its occupants as we all live differently – layout is just as important as design. with this in mind when considering extensions, renovations etc many find this as an initial stumbling block, but may not want to hand their project over to a designer as they are excited about the decorating and furnishing stage, but may just need help visualising exactly how their family will indeed use the new space. we provide a space planning and layout service for just this reason.

source& spec
occassionally we are asked to advise or help source a specific piece of furniture rather than an entire room or house, we are happy to lend a hand.
colour consultancy
colour is so often suggested as “the best place to start” when designing a new space or redesigning an existing space, and it can be……… but it can also be a stumbling block. we can help you to be confident in the colours you choose, not just in relation to the space but most importantly in relation to each other, helping you choose colours that compliment and improve each other rather than working against each other. often with just this little nudge, the floodgates open and go forth with confidence in their new scheme and need no further help.
landlords and property developers
whilst landlords and developers are no different to home owners, in that they to want to make the most of their properties, their incentives and timelines are very different. island interiors understands this and is well positioned to ensure these properties appeal and stand out from their competitors for all the right reason, maximising your returns.
whichever degree of input you decide on, we would be delighted to work with you and help you create a wonderful home.